The Impossible Parents Questionnaire
Are These True of Your Un-cope-able Parents?
- Your eyeballs roll into the farthest reaches of your head at the mere thought of them.
- You have to spend hours “psyching” yourself up while getting ready to be in their presence.
- You want to tear out your hair strand by strand before, during and/or after dealing with them (even if have a full head of hair, you’d never possess enough for all you’d like to yank).
- You grind your teeth to their roots while clamping down on what you’d really wish with all your might to say – and that’s just in one phone call!
- You risk at any moment to lose all your accumulated knowledge, wisdom, experience and skill because they manage (for the millionth time) to destroy your capability due to their attitudes, beliefs or actions.
- You have to endure hours-long diatribes having nothing to do with the subject matter at hand in order to wait to make your key points with one or both folks.
- You are completely spent – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – on the heels of interacting with them (it doesn’t matter whether this is hours or minutes).
- You have to demonstrate Super-Human powers of perseverance and patience in order to prevail.
- You know in the deepest places of your interior what is called for to support or make a difference in their elderly lives and they will have none of it.
- You feel you’ve attempted every available device known to humankind and yet you make zero headway in influencing them to see your point of view.