Throughout my sharing of the COMPLETE SUPPORT acronym, my consistent purpose has been to call out those who claim to serve aging populations (in healthcare, legal, insurance, financial, automobile, real estate, funeral and other realms) but are nowhere to be found when you desperately need them.On a Mission!
Who here can relate to Peter Finch’s iconic outcry from the 1976 film Network? “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”
Yup, that pretty much sums up the downright abuse Sandwich Generation members regularly endure from bureaucratic and bullying institutions, organizations and consumer service providers who roadblock at every turn. Something in this picture needs to shift – and fast!
Someone (me) needs to do something about this deplorable state of affairs. As it is, 30,000 people globally will turn 60-plus daily for at least 10 years. If pretty much every sector of society is woefully unprepared NOW to contend with mushrooming aging populations, how will things become better any time soon, folks?
My Impassioned Plea
That’s why I implore you to join me in my crusade.
May we, the Dedicated Caregivers globally, represent the Thinkers and Visionaries of our time who called forth Our Imagined Future? For those who are willing, let our hue and cry be heard and heeded far and wide.
No matter what, radical change and unstoppable transformation are underway around the planet. Will you be part of the problem or solution?
One way you can be the latter is to tune in weekly to my radio show, The Conscious Caregiver, at on Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. Eastern. Thank you!
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