With my last blog, I began what will become a series of action calls directed toward bullying institutions and consumer service providers who claim to support caregivers of aging parents while making your eldercare nightmare worse.
I also coined a unique slant on the term ‘caregiver abuse’ and now wish to lay the groundwork for what’s to follow. If you’re a weary Sandwich Generation member, get ready to feel vindicated. If you represent a mean-spirited agency, prepare for a hue and cry to rise up and deliver real service.
By The Way, What’s this National Caregiver Day?
A few years ago in Canada and the U.S., an annual day was designated to recognize the invaluable role family caregivers play as they diligently perform their daily lot. The intention was to create a national occasion similar to Mother’s Day. OK, is it just me? Surely we don’t believe that ONE lowly day of drawing awareness to carers’ needs cuts it. Not when the other 364 these valiant individuals feel despaired and taken advantage of.
If Anything, Caregivers Endure Daily Abuse…
Increasingly, light is being shed upon the horrors of elder abuse. Rightly so. I’m glad resources are standing up to not tolerate these deplorable physical, emotional, financial and other states. On the other hand, please let’s not be naïve and pretend there exist no abusive seniors out there! I know plenty who spew verbal and other fury 24/7 upon adult children merely doing their best. Granny is not always sweet and Grandpa can be foul-mouthed. Trolls will disagree.
…Not Just From Elders But Society At Large…
Either way, my question is: Who’s defending The Caregiver’s Rights? Sure, there’s growing literature about handling downright nasty elders. My points go far beyond such guidance and reach to society’s highest levels. For instance, how about government ministries who negligently renew licenses for lethal senior drivers to pad their coffers under the guise of ‘freedom’? How many innocent people need to be killed before someone takes notice?
Never mind my own pleading on bended knee with legal and funeral systems to obtain a Medical Cause of Death for my Dad only to be dismissed due to Privacy Laws! This deplorable truth, despite a doubly-notarized Will and full Power of Attorney. As a result, I am forever denied knowledge of hereditary factors for disease or untimely death.
Folks, these are serious breaches. Believe it or not, they’re forms of caregiver abuse. Next time, you’ll learn what it means to receive the COMPLETE championship you DESERVE.
Until then, stay tuned for the launch of my radio show, The Conscious Caregiver, at www.boldbravemedia.com.
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