As Charles Swindoll so aptly states, “The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace.”
At work, have you ever noticed that how your “day” begins is exactly how the balance unfurls? Start out crappy, end up lousy. It’s vice versa for setting off on a positive note.
This tenet is never more accurate than when contending with Un-cope-able Parents! Around impossible elders, you really must try to put your best foot forward. Otherwise, their oft-negative attitudes and behaviors risk undermining your every shred of positivity – and more!
Get intentional.
Toward that goal, are you ready for another potent tool at your disposal?
A “sister” to Vibration, it’s called Intention. The term refers to the motivation(s) beneath a given course of action.
In the case of your elderly folks, your conscious intentions undoubtedly include appropriate care and living arrangements. Your bottom-line aim is to ensure that the right thing is done to make their remaining time on Earth of highest possible quality. Correct? Of course!
Beware, intention has a dark side.
Here’s a curious phenomenon. You can always discern someone’s true motives by what actually happens.
To illustrate, my father vociferously and frequently claimed he only wished to do what was right by Mommy. Given her rapidly-worsening state near the end, it was abundantly clear she should have been hospitalized or placed into a chronic care setting.
While fully the fitting thing to do, he would have none of it. Instead, he stayed adamant about keeping her in the family home, no matter the cost to her well-being. Yes, a caregiver came into their residence at least twice a day along with increasing supplementary ministrations.
My point stands. Rigorous excavation of his hidden agendas revealed my father wanted to do what was convenient by his standards. It simply didn’t suit him to visit or tend to my mother outside the house. Thus, his selfishness was allowed to dominate.
Locate your own intentions…
Now, you might be wondering, where was I in all this mix? To discover the answer, stay tuned.
In the meantime, I urge you get honest about your internal motives.
You could absolutely say you want only the tops for your aging relatives. Yet, if the worst occurs, might we be so bold as to inquire, what was the real intention?
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