When we were last in this space, I began to set forth the likes of a Manifesto to bolster beleaguered Sandwich Generation caregivers everywhere. My purpose remains to call out those who claim to serve aging populations (in healthcare, legal, insurance, financial, automobile, real estate and funeral realms) but are nowhere to be found when you desperately need them.
If anything – you who are trying to advocate on behalf of parents, relatives, friends or neighbors – constantly run into ridiculous red tape and bureaucratic roadblocks at almost every turn. Am I right or right? If your reality is anything like mine while dealing with government, institutions and agencies (especially for my father), eldercare practically grinds you into the ground!
You Deserve Complete SUPPORT
So, let’s add to how we defined the first half of our acronym, COMPLETE. Its essence is: Caring; Openness; Maturity; Partnership; Loyalty; Excellence; Tribe (those in a service role ‘get’ you); Exacting. Founded in lived experience, I created SUPPORT to stand for:
SUSTAINABILITY = staying the course and following-through for the long haul
UNCOMPROMISING = unwillingness to lower one’s standards
PROFESSIONALISM = taking pride in one’s work and interactions
PRESENCE = grounded, conscious, available to you
ORGANIZED = in charge of self and the service provided at all times
RESPECT = offering due regard toward another
TRUTH = speaking with honesty and integrity
What Do You Notice About COMPLETE SUPPORT?
Perhaps some of you will say: “That’s a pretty tall order (i.e., impossible) for organizations and consumer service providers to fulfill, Carol-Ann.” Perhaps. However, someone (me) needs to do something about a deplorable state of affairs where pretty much every sector of society is woefully unprepared to contend with mushrooming aging populations. It’s not going to get any better as 30,000 people globally turn 60-plus daily for at least 10 years, folks.
Bringing Both Halves Together
If any of you noticed that our acronym encompasses a combination of Being (inner qualities) and Doing (visible action), then you just hit Bingo! Qualities like Caring, Maturity and Excellence must under-gird behaviors such as being organized, following through and partnering with caretakers. One side without the other is an incomplete equation. When a service failure occurs, inevitably a key attitude/mindset was missing that translated into poor outer choices.
Stay Tuned for More after My Mother’s Day Blog
Ah yes… For those with Un-cope-able Parents, ‘tis a dreaded day of the year. Correct? If you answered yes, you’ll immediately connect with the sentiment. Do I dare take on the occasion? Yes! I repeat: Someone needs to express the Truth that those who absolutely do NOT have a sugary-sweet relationship with Mom are actually thinking. Full Permission Zone here.
Until next time, you might want to tune into my radio show, The Conscious Caregiver, at www.boldbravemedia.com. My theme on May 8th will center on “Self-Care Versus Self-Sacrifice”.
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