…flunking the driving exam…
Forgive me for being a bit naughty by leaving you in suspended animation!
How did I come up with this explanation? Too many phone calls leading up to “The Big Day” had been devoted to talking about studying for the written driving test without supporting evidence said preparation was actually taking place.
While not a mother myself, donning my Sherlock Holmes hat inspired the intuition my father was trying to pull the wool over my eyes. Like any kid worth their salt would on an unsuspecting parent! Chastised by the instructor, he pulled several all-nighters in a row that resulted in a passing grade by Friday. The little devil!!
Trust in a bigger plan.
At the same time, no matter how intensely nerve-wracking was just this one episode alone, there resides within me a Higher Self that fundamentally accepts all the lessons I’ve learned at both impossible parents’ hands.
As has been consistently the case via my Blogs, I’m therefore not using Trust singularly in the sense of being relied upon, or confident expectation, or belief in the power of character.
Instead, I draw from theories that suggest we each “design” a blueprint for our time on Earth. Within that game plan, everyone and everything that happens to us by way of challenges, successes and more is there on-purpose to teach us.
Now, a number of my friends would balk to this day at the mere idea! I “get” it. They would counter with vociferous objections such as they would have never willingly chosen the (dysfunctional) pair to whom they were born.
All unfolds as it’s meant to.
No matter! I’m not here to convince or persuade anybody.
All I know – for me – is that I selected my father and mother out of the countless available options on the Planet in order to have experiences that wouldn’t have occurred in a different family unit.
Naturally, during my more frustrated moments, I’ve asked myself, what was I thinking???
Seriously, though, when I reframe my upsets into a conscious choice made from a higher plane, it somehow elevates my broader comprehension of our lives together.
A point to ponder…
Mind you, I don’t diminish the human adversity experienced at their hands.
Yet, I do appreciate I ultimately emerged stronger for having endured those hardships. From this more detached perspective, I find calming surety.
My parting question is, how can you do the same?
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